How do we do it?

Space Constellations

We use Multi-layer constellations to weave a seamless web of connectivity across the globe, from high-flying GSO satellites to nimble LEOs, bringing ultra-fast communication by strategically placing satellites in different orbits spanning from LEO to GSO.

Wireless Lasers

We use optical links to replace traditional radio frequency devices, bringing connectivity to the remotest corners of the world. Laser links shatter bandwidth barriers, delivering data at breathtaking speeds across the globe.

Quantum Level Security

Our QKD-enabled mesh constellation is a game-changer for global security, offering un-hackable, un-traceable data journeys on light beams, guaranteeing ultimate privacy and protection.

Our First GSO/LEO Satellite Launch

Raised seed funding for building space constellations with multi-orbital optical payloads.

Achieved 80 Gbps over 1 km and 10 Gbps over 5 km. Honored "Best Innovation of the Year" award by MCCIA, Maharashtra.Policy making contributions on the significance of technology at the highest echelons of GoI and drafting of optical standards for Indian Telecoms

Partnerships with GoI R&D Telecom and ISRO. Became strategic member of Broadband India Forum and held co-chairmanship position. incorporation and development of stable prototype, multiple wavelength channels and PAT systems.

Created our first 90m terrestrial free space optical point-to-point communication upto 100mbps

Launched morse-code smartwatch for Defence and a super Wi-Fi uto 10km range for a Singapore company. Foundational work on LoRa and TVWS technologies for high bandwidth and low-latency optical communications.

4 years of space odyssey

Our Collaborations

We have built robust collaborations across free space optics ecosystem